
About Me<\/h2>\n

My name is Aaron. A few years ago I completed two Bachelor of Science degrees at Oregon Institute of Technology – one in Computer Hardware Engineering and another in Computer Software Engineering. I am very interested in all aspects of computing and how electronics can enhance life. I spend a lot of free time tinkering with software and electronics projects. Everything from relational databases to FPGAs to microcontrollers cross my path on a regular basis.<\/p>\n

I also dabble in photography, massively-distributed computing efforts and distributed filesystems. I have extensive experience with many scripting and compiled programming languages. PHP, Ruby, C, C++, and C#, just to name a few.<\/p>\n

My blog’s purpose is to showcase some of the more interesting projects I’ve created or collaborated on. I believe strongly in open source, and I try to share the code for all the projects I’ve created, along with documentation to make it useful.<\/p>\n

You can contact me<\/a> with any questions or comments.<\/p>\n

About This Site<\/h2>\n

This site aims to share my ambitions with the world. I want all my source code available for public review,\u00a0scrutiny, and improvement. While most of my projects are small and fairly niche, I know how helpful it is when I’m trying something new to find someone’s code that does something similar – hopefully something I’ve done will offer the same assistance to others.<\/p>\n

Technology Used<\/h3>\n

This site is powered by WordPress<\/a>; a free, open-source PHP\/MySQL content management system with emphasis on blogging. In addition to WordPress, several other contributors should be recognized:<\/p>\n